Our Journey

It all began late summer 2019 ( ya’ll remember the blissful world of ’19?). 

I just had another birthday and was feeling a little lost. Life was moving along but I felt stuck. Unfulfilled, in a rut, frustrated with myself and lost in my daydreams. I knew I needed to do something. But what? There has only been one regret I’ve lived with. Not following my dream of starting my own business.

Life happened, adulthood happened and real responsibilities happened. I couldn’t deny the void I was feeling any longer. My mind started to spin…what to do? What are my strengths? What are my passions? What am I willing to risk every thing for? 

I’ve always had a yearning for entrepreneurship. I was raised by a first generation immigrant business owner after all, my mom. I wanted to teach my daughter to follow her dreams as my mom did for me. How do I teach better than by doing? 

As many fears began to brew in my brain about this possibility, one thing I kept on returning to was my strength in adapting to change. Changing career paths after more than a decade, changing our family unity and having to adapt to being a mother, changing how to parent a child with different developmental needs. Change was something I never feared. I welcomed it.  I understood it was the only way to push toward. 

As this awareness sunk in, I looked up from where I was sitting in my back yard. We have a shed with a sign over its door. It’s been there since we moved in few years ago. It reads “CHANGEHOUSE”. That was the moment I suddenly felt calm, and a giddy joy swept through me. The sign on my shed was THE sign I needed. 

Change is my comfortable place. I want to build a house, a community where I can be a part of transformation and change for others. 

Fast forward to 2020 and it’s finally happening. I am now a ‘WE’ and couldn’t be more excited! New Year reunited me with an amazing women from as past life unexpectedly. As we reconnected over drinks we realized we’ve been living parallel lives over the last 6 years. Having similar family dynamics challenge us as we parent and support atypical children, to relocating from Toronto to Burlington, Ontario just months apart unknowingly and finally to sharing the same vision. Building something bigger through something familiar. 

We will be launching seasonal collections of curated full looks and offering our expertise services in the industry which brought us together.

We are also connected with and will be giving back portion of proceeds from our sales to the community which is near and dear to both our our hearts. The Learning Disability Association. 

Welcome to our CHANGEHOUSE ❤️